
Why Intersectionality?

We chose to create a website about intersectionality because it recognizes that a person can be discriminated against for more than one reason. It put a word to something that many are experiencing. So, we wished to share this concept with other teens.


Girls Who Code alumni who are college-aged or post-college aged (2021)


of girls served come from historically underrepresented groups in tech


more Girls Who Code college-aged or post-college aged alumni than the number of women graduating with CS and related degrees in the US in 2019


is the year in which we are on track to close the gender gap in new entry-level tech jobs

Image by kropekk_pl from Pixabay

Who Are We?

We are all members of the Girls Who Code club run at our local library. Each year we create a group project, and this is our most recent one!

Our purpose of this website was to increase teen awareness to multiple kinds of discrimination and how they intersect and impact teens. We did this by providing resources and tools for dealing with common issues, and creating a safe place for teen to share their stories and support each other.

Past Projects

In the past 6 years, this club has had 84 girls participate in creating a yearly group project. We have made discussions on mental health, endangered animals, and so much more! (Add more?)

If you want to check out more of our projects click, the picture or the button below!

Image by Drayanna screenshot from Slover Library
Image by Glafuski from Pixabay

We Are Part of a Non-Profit Organization

Girls Who Code is in fact a non-profit organization! Girls Who Code’s goal is to support and increase the number of women and nonbinary people in computer science and other STEM-related fields by equipping them with the necessary skills to pursue 21st-century opportunities.

This organization values bravery, sisterhood, and activism. If this statement resonates with you or you want to learn to code, consider becoming a girl who codes, and bonus, it’s free!

Become a girl who codes

Join us in creating a better world through technology